
Provide Your Downline With The Resources They Need To Grow Their Business

A huge part of growing your network marketing business is making sure people who want to get started with the business can achieve your success. And doing this in an easy manner.

Most likely, you worked your butt off figuring out the system and process that works to grow your business and team to where you are. You want to pass that success onto your downline, but they struggle with the Google Drive folders, links, and being able to find what they need in the Team Facebook Group.

Remove all the confusion of knowing where to go, host all of your duplicatable systems (that you want to share   ) in one easy to find, private place - your website! 
On top of that, have the funnels, blog articles, newsletters, and all other online marketing content easily accessible for your downline to use.

Sounds hard, but it's super easy. It all comes down to the Shared Library.

What Is The Shared Library?

The Shared Library is how you can share your systems and processes with just your downline. More specifically it's where you can share web pages, newsletters, automated emails, blog articles, and forms that you've created and want your downline to have access to.

It doesn't have to be limited to that, though! You can block people from seeing your content, limit it to just those you've sent access to, or make it completely public for anyone to access and use.

How Do You Use The Shared Library?

To use the Shared Library, you must have a Wavoto account (sign-up here for free), then anywhere in the Back Office you'll see "Browse Shared ________" (Content, Pages, Forms, etc). Clicking into there will show you all of that content you can request access to or immediately use. 

To create a library of shared content for your downline, all you need to do is form a group in your Back Office and toggle the items you want to share or not - seriously, it's that easy!

Try out the Shared Library for yourself by using our free Funnel Library! Monthly we add new funnels to the library for you to add to your site, customize, and use to grow your business online. Check out your first funnel today!

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