Wavoto for Business

Do more, grow more.

Wavoto helps you do more with less when it comes to expanding your online business. Access all your most important business tools in a single place — from eCommerce to marketing campaigns — all fully integrated with your website.

A beautiful website at the core of your marketing plan.

Start with a template and create the website you've always wanted for your business, including a dedicated link-in-bio landing page for your important links.

One platform for creating multiple revenue streams.

Create your very own webstore for selling goods and services, or offer subscription access to password-protected membership sites. You can even monetize your knowledge with paid online courses.
  • eCommerce
  • Event registration
  • Online courses
  • Membership sites

Automated sales cycles give you more time to spend on your business.

Cultivate your customer base with sales funnels and automated email campaigns. Customize forms and opt-ins on your webpages to automatically create new contact entries in the integrated CRM, or create new bookings in your calendar.
  • Automated sales funnels
  • Marketing email builder & campaign tools
  • Integrated Contact Manager
  • Forms & email automations

Run an Online Store
  • Wavoto Basics
    Workspace, Microsite, Contact Manager.+ $5
  • Website+
    Enhanced website builder & templates. No page limits.+ $5
  • Contacts+ 30k
    Up to 30,000 entries in Contact Manager+ $75
  • Automations
    Email response sequences & drip campaigns.+ $3
  • Email Campaigns
    Builder, templates, & campaign tools for marketing emails.+ $3
  • Funnels
    Drag-&-drop builder for automated sales cycles.+ $3
  • eCommerce
    Sell products & services with no transaction fees.+ $25
Coaching & Consultation
Monetize your expertise
  • Wavoto Basics
    Workspace, Microsite, Contact Manager.+ $5
  • Website+
    Enhanced website builder & templates. No page limits.+ $5
  • Contacts+ 1k
    Up to 1,000 entries in Contact Manager+ $10
  • Automations
    Email response sequences & drip campaigns.+ $3
  • Email Campaigns
    Builder, templates, & campaign tools for marketing emails.+ $3
  • Membership Site
    Members-only website pages.+ $25
  • Courses
    Build, offer, & run online courses on your site.+ $25
Service Provider
Build your clientbase
  • Wavoto Basics
    Workspace, Microsite, Contact Manager.+ $5
  • Website+
    Enhanced website builder & templates. No page limits.+ $5
  • Contacts+ 500
    Up to 500 entries in Contact Manager+ $7
  • Automations
    Email response sequences & drip campaigns.+ $3
  • Email Campaigns
    Builder, templates, & campaign tools for marketing emails.+ $3
  • Funnels
    Drag-&-drop builder for automated sales cycles.+ $3
  • eCommerce
    Sell products & services with no transaction fees.+ $25
Run a venue or exhibition
  • Wavoto Basics
    Workspace, Microsite, Contact Manager.+ $5
  • Website+
    Enhanced website builder & templates. No page limits.+ $5
  • Contacts+ 30k
    Up to 30,000 entries in Contact Manager+ $75
  • Automations
    Email response sequences & drip campaigns.+ $3
  • Email Campaigns
    Builder, templates, & campaign tools for marketing emails.+ $3
  • Membership Site
    Members-only website pages.+ $25

Everything you need to build a thriving business.

Start with one of our recommended Business plans to get all the tools you need to establish and grow multiple income sources. You can add or remove products as you like, so you only pay for features relevant to your business strategy.
Recommended Plans
Coaching & Consultation

Try it free for 14 days.

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